What is a promo code?

A promo code is a suite of numbers and / or letters provided by online stores. This code allows you to benefit from discounts on your purchase, with either an amount in euros or a percentage of the total order. This code can also offer free shipping (sometimes with a minimum of necessary purchase) or the free addition of a gift to your order.

How do you use coupon codes?

First, find the shop you are interested in (via the search engine at the top of all pages). You can then click on the most attractive offer, a detailed description is then displayed and the shop opens in a new tab to facilitate your purchase.

On the merchant site page, you'll find a promo code field at one of the payment steps. Insert the promo code, validate and the final amount of your order should be reduced.

Why some offers do not have promo codes?

In this case, the reduction applies directly to the articles concerned, no need to enter code to take advantage of the offer. By clicking on see the offer on our site, you will directly access the relevant products on the online store.

Are coupon codes always valid?

No, coupon codes often have validity dates with a defined expiration date. They can be valid for 1 day, 1 week as 1 month or indefinitely. There are also special conditions to respect, which are displayed either on our site or on the online store. Please consult them to avoid any unpleasant surprises.

The promo code does not work, why?

Most often, coupon codes have a scope of validity (a selection of products), but also a minimum amount of purchase order. These conditions, unless we are mistaken, are indicated on our website. If a promo code does not work properly, please contact us so that we can help you.

Some products are also sometimes excluded from the offer (either personalized products or promotional products). Always refer to the conditions on the online store.

Are coupon codes valid in store?

Coupon codes provided on smashing coupon are only valid online. There is no guarantee on the operation of these codes promos in shop.

How to receive personalized web notifications?

Depending on your browser, you can enable custom notifications in different ways. There is also a button on every store page to enable notifications (bottom right). As soon as a promo code or offer is published, you will receive a notification on your computer or phone. Notifications are only sent to stores you have already visited on our site.

How to stop receiving webs notifications?

On Chrome, you will find the procedure to follow on this page. For Firefox, the approach is on this page. For other browsers, please inquire via the help of browsers.

Do you have an app?

Yes. An application for iOS and Android has been available for almost 5 years. To download the application, go to this page for iPhone and iPad, but also for android devices. The users plebiscite its use with an average mark of more than 4.5 / 5 (more than 80 opinions deposited).

Is this website free?

Yes, the service is completely free, you can enjoy it every day to save on your internet purchases.

How are my personal data used?

You can review all of the privacy rules to find out how your data is used. A page concerning the use of cookies is also available.

Is there a way to contact you?

A contact form is on this page. Do not hesitate to contact us for any question or idea to improve our service.

Smashing Coupon in numbers

Even better than beautiful speeches, some figures to let you know a little better the site and all the benefits it can bring! Launched since 2012, we can now offer you a complete service, simple and fast to not miss any good plan.

177 shops
13 years of existence
3814 subscribers to notifications
4.6/5 rating of our app